Having a straight, beautiful smile is easier than ever. With all the different orthodontic options, Dr. Tannis will make sure to bring your teeth to a perfectly aligned position, which makes you feel confident and happy to smile and show off your teeth. We offer traditional braces to all our clients, who feel comfortable with them. Children, as well as adults, could benefit from braces in more than just the aesthetic aspect. Children, as young as 7 years old, can visit us at our Toronto dental office for an orthodontic consultation.
Some of the reasons why you might need orthodontic treatment include:
- Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth
- Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth
- Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
- Guiding permanent teeth into a more favourable position
- Reducing the need for tooth removal
- Reducing treatment time with braces
- Correcting harmful oral habits
- Improving appearance and self-esteem
- Improving the way lips meet